Thursday, September 27, 2012

nj turnpike calculator ered in 1926 by archaeologist AR Saraswathi in the adjacent valley. In 1953, when it became known th

From the 7th to the 10th century, the Chalukyas ruled the area, establishing their Dravidian style of architecture, especially along the coast. The Chalukya and Chola dynasties merged in the 11th century to be overthrown by the Kakatiyas, who introduced pillared temples into South Indian religious architec

ered in 1926 by archaeologist AR Saraswathi in the adjacent valley. In 1953, when it became nj turnpike calculator known that a massive hydroelectric project would soon create the Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir, flooding the area, a six-year excavation was launched to unearth the area s many Buddhist ruins: stupas, viharas (monasteries), chaitya-grihas (assembly halls with stupas) nj turnpike calculator and mandapas (pillared pavilions), as well as some outstanding examples of white-marble depictions of the Buddha s life. The finds were reassembled on Nagarjunakonda.

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