Friday, September 28, 2012

az highway map Once the Andhran capital and a significant Buddhist centre, Amaravathi is India s biggest stupa (Ind

In 1724 the Hyderabad viceroy, Asaf Jah, took advantage of waning Mughal power and declared Hyderabad an independent state with himself as leader. The dynasty of the nizams of Hyderabad began, az highway map and the traditions of Islam flourished. Hyderabad became a focus for the arts, culture and learning, and the centre of Islamic India. Its abundance of rare gems and minerals the world-famous Kohinoor diamond is from here furnished the nizams with enormous wealth. (William Dalrymple s White Mughals is a fascinating portrait of the city at this time.)

Once the Andhran capital and a significant Buddhist centre, Amaravathi is India s biggest az highway map stupa (Indian/foreigner 5/100; h8am6pm), measuring 27m high and constructed in the 3rd century az highway map BC, when Emperor Ashoka sent monks south to spread the Buddha s teaching. Located 60km west of Vijayawada, all that remains are a mound and some stones, but the nearby museum (admission 5; h8am-5pm) has a small replica of the stupa, with its intricately carved pillars, marble- surfaced dome and carvings of scenes from the Buddha s life (no photography allowed in the museum). In the courtyard is a reconstruction of part of the surrounding gateway, which gives you an idea of the stupa s massive scale. It s worth the trip, but many of Amaravathi s best sculptures are in London s British Museum and Chennai s Government Museum in Tamil Nadu.

Secunderabad az highway map Sleeping 1 Minerva Grand.C2 2 YMCA.B2 Eating 3 Kamat Hotel.C2 az highway map 4 Kamat Hotel.B2 5 Paradise Persis az highway map Restaurant.B2 Secunderabad Sleeping 1 Minerva Grand.C2 2 YMCA.B2 Eating 3 Kamat Hotel.C2 4 Kamat Hotel.B2 5 Paradise Persis Restaurant.B2

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