Thursday, August 2, 2012

maps mileage Vijayawada is on the main Chenna Kolkata and Chennai Delhi railway lines. The daily Coromandel Expre

Vijayawada is on the main Chenna maps mileage Kolkata and Chennai Delhi railway lines. The daily Coromandel Express (2841) runs to Chennai (sleeper/3AC/2AC maps mileage 214/544/732, seven hours) and, the other way, to Kolkata (2842; sleeper/3AC/2AC 395/1054/1440, 20 hours). Speedy Rajdhani (Thursday and Saturday) maps mileage and Jan Shatabdi (daily except Tuesday) trains also ply the Vijayawada Chennai route. Trains maps mileage galore run to Hyderabad (sleeper/3AC/2AC 190/478/639, 6 hours) and Tirupathi (sleeper/3AC/2AC 198/502/674, seven hours). The computerised advance-booking offi ce (%enquiry 2577775, maps mileage reservations 2578955; h8am-8pm Mon-Sat, till 2pm Sun) is in the basement.

Most buses and trains maps mileage will stop en route at Bhongir, 60km from Hyderabad. It s worth jumping down for a couple of hours to climb the fantastical-looking 12th-century Chalukyan hill fort (admission 3; h9am6pm). Looking like a gargantuan stone egg, the hill is mostly ringed by stairs.

The Hill of Nagarjuna, 150km southeast of Hyderabad, is a peaceful island in the middle of the Nagarjuna dam peppered with ancient Buddhist maps mileage structures. From the 3rd century BC until the 4th century AD, the Krishna River valley was home to powerful empires that supported the sangha (Buddhist community of monks and nuns), including the Ikshvakus, whose capital was Nagarjunakonda. It s estimated maps mileage that this area alone had 30 monasteries.

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